Chris Keener
I discovered the art of making jewelry by accident. Fueled by my love of beach glass, 17 years ago I made myself a very organic beach glass bracelet. I wore this bracelet to an event and suddenly I was a beach glass jewelry artist.
My degree is in textile design from the years before there were computers. I discovered I loved working with my hands. I wanted my jewelry to be less craft and more fine art. I set off to learn all I could about the properties of metal and making silver jewelry.
I went to Colorado to work with a silver smith; I spent hours in TAP studio in Cleveland under the guidance of Todd Pownell and Debra Rosen. I went to Penland and studied under other amazing artists to build and develop my skills. I could not get enough knowledge, I was hooked, and I had found my passion.
Today I am a full time jewelry artist. My work includes more then just beach glass. I work with gems stores and other found objects. I continue to develop my skills and education. I feel blessed to have found something I am so excited to do everyday.
Chris Keener
Oxidized silver and vintage button
Chris Keener
Petrified Fern and Sterling silver